I am very dissapointed, Tom. I should have known better than to play a game you programmed. The learning curve for this game is too damn steep. The art was amazing, as i suspected it would be because Utah did the art. The occasional grunting noise sounded a lot like the Tank-Men, which is okay, props to the RicePirate. But, my reviews are based on game-play and the over-all experience. I did not like playing this game. I noticed a micro amount of bugs and glitches, which is good news for any programmer. But, You didn't focus on the experience of the game-play, which is bad news for any gamer. I'm pretty sure I will be deleting my NG account after I finish this shameful review, and will be taking my free time to Armor Games. And saying such a thing is not easy for me, seems how i've been visiting NG since '06. I've been using NG to play cool games since I was 12. I literally grew up with NG. So, this is good-bye. Live long and prosper mofo.